Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sharp Teeth

Baby teeth are cute, there's no denying that, but what no one tells you is that after the teething is said and done the fun has just begun. Every nursing mom will tell you about the time their baby cut her first tooth and the tears that came with it. I'm not talking about baby tears, either. These are tears that only come when you get bit.

That first tooth often opens up a whole new set of questions for the nursing mom. Should I continue to nurse? How do I teach her not to bite? Should I switch to pumping?  These are questions that only you can answer. You have to do what is best for you and your baby. 

Now, there are ways to teach your baby not to bite while nursing, sometimes this is referred to as Nursing Manners. It only took me a few days to teach my daughter not to bite me. Firstly I watched her like a hawk for the first week after she oh so kindly made it known that she had a tooth. I looked for signs of her getting ready to bite, I watched her jaw and I always removed her from the breast if she wasn't actively nursing. If she did manage to bite me I would set her down and not feed her for 10 or so minutes. It was seriously less than a week and she stopped biting me.